Thursday, July 2, 2009

Thing # 7

Commenting-it shouldn't be that hard! I usually have something to say all day long, but blogging feels differently. Adding a comment during this point in my lack of experience feels a little forced and awkward. I know I will feel more comfortable at it as I go. I just want to sound genuine, I guess. If the blogger I'm reading is giving information that is new, I can inquire or clarify about the info given. If he/she is sharing feelings or venting, I can offer support or agreement. I see the importance of it: to have continued dialogue, receive informative feedback or just to relate to someone with similar interests. The most difficult times for me to comment was on the blogs from my google reader. I feel really distant from these sites, so I guess it feels a little funny. I'm sure the owner's of the blogs do read the comments and find them helpful from time to time.

1 comment:

  1. Sometimes it's just easy to stay quiet. When you find something you're passionate about it seems easier to offer an opinion. I usually want to know someone before I spout off. That may come from my own insecurity, but I think we all feel more comfortable when we know who we're chatting with, or are really sure about what we have to say.
