Monday, July 6, 2009

Thing #13

Delicious is really helpful and I've never heard of such a thing! My Delicious already houses several URLs that I love and used in the classroom at I think this site has many beneficial aspects such as someone already doing the searching for you! The categorizing is helpful and the number of visits gives you a clue on the popularity of the sites. This would be a great resource during team planning. Someone could jump on Delicious and pull up a skill site or URL pertaining to a subject area in which you are planning and ta da-instant resources without all the surfing! I intend on importing the sites I've already bookmarked on my browser. I've just got to figure out how to import mine, not my husbands since his are used for work. It's really fun to think of search topics and get so many helpful sites. I just searched for educational sites, but I plan on checking out ones for gardening, photography, house projects and more!


  1. When you get all of that done there won't be much left of your summer. Enjoy yourself.

  2. First, your blog looks great! I love the background.
    Also, I hadn't thought of using delicious for planning; I had only used it for personal use. I'm interested in implementing it while planning with teachers.
